Products | Temperature Monitoring System
SafeTruck temperature monitoring system ensures compliance with regulations, reducing the risk of fines and legal actions. Many industries, such as food and pharmaceutical, have strict regulations regarding the storage and transportation of their products.
User Friendliness
Specific Package Monitoring
SafeTruck’s system keeps a record of historical temperature data, which can be used to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and identify any trends or issues.
Easily Access Temperature Log
Export Reports with Specific Time
Data Frequency
Temperature monitoring is a system that uses sensors to continuously monitor the temperature inside cold storage units, such as refrigerators and freezers. The data collected is then transmitted to a central monitoring system, where it is analyzed and alerts are generated if the temperature falls outside of the acceptable range.
The benefits of using a temperature monitoring system include:
Industries that require temperature-controlled storage and transportation, such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and research facilities, can benefit from using a cold storage temperature monitoring system.